2 comments on “Are You Building Engagement Points for Your #SocialMedia Campaigns?

  1. As usual, great insights Jan.
    I love the idea of bridging our online and offline lives – I truly think that as we’ve managed to become so disconnected on account of internet isolation, the rubber band is about to ping back, and we’re going to be looking for more human to human engagement.

    QR Codes, RFID, Bluetooth, and all manner of mobile marketing strategies are a real opportunity for business to rebuild their REAL brand presence.

    I saw a really great campaign done by a homewares store recently, in their printed catalogue with QR codes directing their customers to their shopping site, AND their social media. It was cleverly put together, incentivising interaction.

    • Hey Kiera, you’ve a great way of describing things. I’ve never thought of it like the rubber band but you’re spot on. Gone were the days where humans just want to be fascinated by technology, they want to know how can it improve their lifestyle i.e. communication. Simple ‘upgrades’ such as stretching the usage of QR codes may just change how customers interact and perceive your brand.

      That sounds like an interesting one – incentives + QR. How did they do it? :) QR codes are pretty underused here and only used as simple links to corporate websites, Facebook page and etc.

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