Start Showing Up

If you knew me well, you would know that I love running (other than playing badminton, of course). While I can’t say I am a good runner, I do enjoy the process of just going out and about, letting the mind wander whilst breaking out good sweat. Going for a short run in the morning also helps me stay focused throughout the day (but I will leave this for another post).
Through this little hobby of mind, I have participated in a few long distance races and it usually go something like this:
Gets very excited to sign up for it > Stays motivated while training > Show up during race day > Start strong > And half way through the race, I start asking the question…
“Why did I put myself this torture?”
Did that sound a little like you, too?
The truth is, it is very easy to start something, but it is never easy to see it through. Be it starting up a new business, going to the gym, breaking a habit, or just sticking to the new year’s resolution you’ve written.
We give ourselves really good excuses like having a busy schedule, commitments, circumstances… but the one that takes the cake has to be – luck.
“I’m just not as lucky”
Yes, that is an excuse. I believe that this thing called ‘luck’ is merely a result of hard work, perseverance, relentlessness… and you being present. Most people ‘miss’ out on opportunities to be ‘lucky’ simply because they are unequipped, unprepared or simply not present to take up what it takes.
Our definition of luck is warped. We want to enjoy the final outcome without having to go through any of the process, expecting for it to literally just present itself at your doorstep – but it does not.
Imagine completing a full marathon without training, preparation, conditioning or actually showing up for the race – you will never complete it, let alone receiving the finishing medal. Luck will not auto-magically teleport you to the finishing line of the race! You will need to show up, run, and create possibilities for yourself. Maybe the weather will be great, maybe you’ll find a buddy to cheer you on, maybe there’ll be some special drink that will boost your energy along the way, and heck, maybe they’ll even give you a ride to a finish line and still award you anyway.
The thing is, you won’t get to experience the ‘luck’ or opportunity if you’re not even there to begin with!
So if you’ve been wondering why you haven’t got that physique you’ve been aiming for, or that dream career; you haven’t been exhausting your options to be in a position for that opportunity or ‘luck’ to happen.
Opportunity only comes to those who knock.
Start showing up!